Support Your Child’s Development at Lyric Preschool

Lyric Preschool’s Philosophy

Each day is a precious one in the life of a child. At Lyric Preschool, it is our joy and privilege to provide a variety of experiences that will assure a balanced growth within your child. Our carefully supervised and planned early childhood curriculum is designed to encourage your child’s development in the following areas:

Self Esteem

Developing a sense of self-worth. Social - participating in group activities. 


Motor control and coordination. Cognitive - involvement and learning in creative experiences.


Our school is staffed with professional Early Childhood Educators. They give each child the best nurturing environment possible. Staff members have completed Child Development College courses and qualify to provide a loving and understanding setting where children learn about positive self-esteem.


Physical activities, Character development, Creative play, Reading preparation, Arts and Crafts, Music and Rhythms, Science and Language.